- CMYK is composed of four colors, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black
- CMYK is considered as a subtractive color model because it technically subtracts the brightness from the color white
- The black ink is not a combination of the three other colors. In order to produce deep black tones and dark colors, the CMYK model uses black printer ink instead of the combination of the cyan, magenta, and yellow colors. http://printerinkcartridges.printcountry.com/printcountry-articles/printer-ink-cartridges-information-facts-downloads/interesting-facts-about-cmyk-ink-colors
- The “place of birth” of the Pop Art movement was Britain in the mid 1950s’, but it was present in the United States by the late 1950s
- Pop art relies on extracting material from its context and isolating it or associating it with other subjects for contemplation.
- The Pop art movement is defined by themes and techniques drawn from the popular mass culture. http://speckyboy.com/2012/01/16/20-things-you-didn%E2%80%99t-know-about-pop-art-graphic-design/
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